Uncle Leo took Harry out snowboarding this afternoon. And of course, since Harry's only other experiences with snowboarding have been down the slide in the backyard or down the big pile of snow by the driveway when we have a decent snowstorm he absolutely loved it.
He wants to go back and do it again next week. (Sorry Harry, that's not happening)
I'm waiting for my brother to send me the pictures and videos he has - from going down the big slope. My husband took these while they were having the snowboarding lesson.
And what did Pippi and I do while Harry was off snowboarding? We hung out with baby Tyler and Aunt Kristen. That was my kind of afternoon!
Harry really does great! What fun! And it looks like Tyler has grown a bit of hair!
Harry had a blast - and that's Kris's hair on Tyler's head. hee hee
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