
Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Jesse Tree - Day 10 - Ruth and Boaz

The story of Ruth. That was what the Jesse Tree readings brought us today. I've always liked the story of Ruth and Naomi and Boaz - but it's not a story my children are familiar with - and the selected readings only gave part of the story (Ruth 1:16; 2:2, 8, 10-12; 4:13-14). Unfortunately today was one of those days when circumstances collide to give us not much time - so instead of reading the story in full or giving them a complete explanation, I gave them a short version of who Ruth was.

The second reading (Matthew 1:5b-61) lets us know that Ruth and Boaz were the great-grandparents of King David and therefore Jesus' ancestors.

I like seeing the connection between the old and new testament and knowing that these stories are all connected - they're not just random stories from the past.

Our sheaf of wheat (today's symbol) looks a little like a stick bug. Oh well.
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